Kayaking can be a thrilling and enjoyable experience, but avoiding any accidents or injuries is of utmost importance. Knowing the proper way to get in and out of a kayak is essential for safe practice. There are many techniques to ensure a smooth and safe launch or landing of a kayak.
Getting into a kayak and out of a kayak gets easier with practice and experience. In this blog post, “how to get in and out of a kayak?” we will discuss some tips and guidelines that can help make your launches and landings safe and smooth. Hopefully, these will help you get in and out of a kayak with ease.
Important Things Need To Know: Must Read
There are several things to keep in mind when getting into and out of a kayak. Before you get in or out of the kayak, make sure it is stable and secure. Following are the important things you need to know:

1. Locate The Best Launch And Exit Point
Choosing the right launch and exit point is important for getting in and out of a kayak safely which can make or break an enjoyable kayaking experience. When looking for the best launch and exit point, try to find a location that has shallow water, no more than knee-deep, with minimal distractions and risks.
2. Take Classes For Good Results
For those who are just starting, taking private lessons can be a great way to learn the proper techniques for getting in and out of a kayak. Working with an expert on technique makes it easier to properly implement what you’ve learned. If you don’t have access to private lessons, there are many online tutorials available as well.
3. Practice
After knowing all the techniques, you need to do some practice as it is said that “Practice makes a man perfect”. You can go to some isolated place and can practice the techniques as many times as you want. Doing so would help in getting comfortable with kayaking and will also give you more confidence while launching or landing your kayak.
4. Safety
Safety is of utmost importance. No matter how experienced you are, it is important to wear all the safety gear before getting into a kayak. If you are practicing also, always wear a life vest and other safety gear such as a helmet, etc. It is essential to have all the safety gear before getting into a kayak. So make sure you do not miss out on any of these and also inspect your gear regularly so that it is in working condition.
How To Get In A Kayak?
It is very important to learn all the techniques carefully before getting into a kayak. There are mainly three methods of getting into a kayak. We will discuss each one of them briefly to make you understand.

1. How Do You Get In A Kayak From The Shore?
- Place your kayak parallel to the shoreline, halfway in the water, and bow pointing away from the shore.
- Use your paddle as a stabilizer setting it to 90 degrees to kayak above the back and behind the seat. The half paddle should be lying across the boat and the other half should be on the shore.
- Sit on the side of the paddle and put your feet into the boat. Your feet should be the first part that enters the kayak.
- Get your hands on the paddle that’s under and next to you and then smoothly move down your butt along the paddle.
- Place your butt in the seat and settle in. In order to enter gracefully in a kayak you need to keep your weight low. Being calm and balanced will save you from falling into the water.
- Once you are ready and settled in the kayak, use the paddle to push yourself off the shore and then start paddling.
2. How Do You Get In A Kayak From The Dock?
- Place the kayak parallel to the dock. Remember to place the kayak into the water where the water level is low. Use the paddle to hold the kayak
- Sit at the edge of the dock which is next to your kayak. Be careful.
- Put your legs in the kayak. Once you are standing up in the kayak, turn your hips towards the facing dock. Keep your hands on the dock to improve your balance
- Now lower yourself into the seat slowly. You need to keep your weight low and use the dock for balance.
- Take the paddle from the dock and push yourself away from the dock.
3. How Do You Get In A Kayak From The Water?
- Get hold of your kayak and make sure the paddle is in a secure position. In this situation, paddle floats might come in handy.
- Then, you need to move to the back of the kayak, reach across to the deck and then lift yourself up on the stomach to do this.
- Make your way up to the seat in the kayak slowly, then bring your legs up onto the deck and sit down in the kayak as you always do.
How To Get Out Of A Kayak?
Once you have finished kayaking, getting out of the kayak is a skill you should learn. There are a few different ways to get out of a kayak and each method depends on the situation. We will discuss all the methods one by one.

1. How Do You Get Out Of A Kayak On The Shore?
- Use your paddle to come to the shoreline. Pick up the speed as you get closer to the shore, it might help you.
- Place your paddle safely behind the cockpit or behind the deck line to keep it from moving around.
- Hold the sides of the cockpit and lift yourself up from the seat.
- Now swing your legs across the cockpit and put one foot on the ground. Put your feet in a balanced position and then slowly stand back up.
2. How Do You Get Out Of A Kayak Into the Water?
- Paddle to the landing spot you want to use to exit the water. Make sure there are no waves, as they could make the process harder than it needs to be.
- Exit your kayak and get into the water on your stomach.
- After you have entered the water, you should immediately stand up and rely on the paddle for support and balance.
- Once balanced, move away from your kayak and into shallower water.
Best Way To Get In and Out Of A Kayak
As a kayaker, knowing how to get in and out of your boat will allow you to have a safe and enjoyable experience. We have discussed different techniques for getting in and out of a kayak, depending on the situation you are in. Remember that with enough practice you will be able to learn the basics quickly. An overview of the to best way to get in and out of a kayak is to:

Best Way To Get In A Kayak:
- Get hold of your kayak.
- Place hands on each side of the kayak.
- Lower your butt into the seat.
- Put your feet into the kayak.
- Paddle and push yourself away.
Best Way To Get Out Of A Kayak:
- Paddle to the shore and hold on to something stable.
- Hold the sides of the cockpit and put one foot on the ground and then other feet also, one foot at a time.
- Hold the kayak to prevent it from floating away.
- Drag the kayak towards the land fully out of water.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do kayaks flip easily?
Kayaks are designed to be stable and difficult to flip. However, if the kayak is overloaded or if you put your weight in an improper position, it can become unstable and even overturn, so it’s important to make sure that you maintain balance when paddling.
2. How do you get into a kayak from the water?
Getting into a kayak from the water can be challenging but it doesn’t have to be! All you need to do is grab a hold of your kayak and move towards the back of the kayak, then reach across to the deck and lift yourself up on the stomach. Then make your way up to the seat slowly and carefully, and finally bring your legs up onto the deck and sit down.
3. What is the easiest way to get into a kayak?
The easiest way to get into a kayak is from shore or from a dock. This allows you to position the kayak in a way that you can easily step into it and sit down. If there is no shore or dock available, and you need to get into the kayak from the water, then paddle floats might come in handy.
4. What is the best way to get in and out of a kayak?
The best way to get into a kayak is from shore or dock. If you need to enter from the water, then using paddle floats can help. Getting out of the kayak depends on the situation. On shore, hold onto the sides of the cockpit and slowly stand up. In water, paddle to the landing spot and lift yourself out of the kayak on your stomach. Then stand up with the help of a paddle for support and balance.
Final Words
Getting in and out of a kayak can be challenging, but with the right technique and practice you’ll soon be entering and exiting your boat like a pro. Knowing how to get in and out of a kayak is an important skill that all kayakers should master. We hope our article “how to get in and out of a kayak?”, has provided you with the information you need to make your kayaking experience as safe and enjoyable as possible.